Day 86
Hey all, day 5 of the stupid plague, pretty sure it's the worst day yet, and that my head weighs about 45 lb., still I plugged away on my blog and painted my damn nails. lol :-P Today's nails are inspired by the board game we all know and love...SCRABBLE!! Fun fact: The highest score ever achieved in one turn at Scrabble was achieved by Michael Cresta, in 2006, with the word QUIXOTRY, scoring him a whopping 365 points! Another fun fact, Jason Mraz, geeky crooner extraordinaire, whom I adore, is a Scrabble lover! :)
Anyway, on to the nails, (sorry the pinky got dented- I guess they weren't totally dry when I went to bed, whoops)...

I used Urban Outfitters Matte Nude 3 as a base, Zoya Dea to paint wood grain, topped off with some Zoya Charlize to soften the grain a bit, and then Zoya Raven to paint the letters and numbers. I wasn't terribly in love with the way the woodgrain turned out, but there's always next time...wait... umm...I guess maybe in 279 days? ;)
What's your best scrabble score?
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