Friday, September 24, 2010

Can we eat to starve cancer & adipose tissue (fat)?

William Li presents a new way to think about treating cancer and other diseases: anti-angiogenesis, preventing the growth of blood vessels that feed a tumor. The crucial first (and best) step: Eating cancer-fighting foods that cut off the supply lines and beat cancer at its own game

Click play & watch the video or go to the TED talk here

Below I've created a quick view of all the foods Dr Li's studies have found to have anti-angiogenic qualities.(Print and take to the grocery store/chinese market on your next shopping trip)!
cancer foods 4
Obesity: adipose tissue/fat is highly angiogenesis dependent and grows where blood vessels grow. So can the angiogenesis inhibitors (AI's) in these foods cut off the blood supply to fat too and therefore shrink fat? The answer is yes! In mice studies, obese mice lost weight when given AI's which regulated healthy set points.

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